I’m a huge fan of the first-person shooter Titanfall. It’s combination of fast twitch gameplay and giant mechanical robots fills a void in gaming that even the greats like Halo, Battlefield, and Call of Duty can’t fill.
Category Archives: My Thoughts

Some of my favorite splash screens from the Xbox One and Xbox 360
Since starting my new website, Xbox Screens, I’ve seen over one hundred Xbox One and Xbox 360 splash screens (the image that is displayed while a game is loaded). Many of the splash screens are simply promotional artwork with the game’s logo in front. Some are thoughtful and meaningful; symbolizing some noteworthy element of the game with taste and class. Others are lazy, thoughtless, or seemingly irrelevant.
I wanted to share some of the better ones that I’ve come across. Here they are in no particular order. The image links are below each section.
My new Xbox Splash Screen website XboxScreens.com
Starting Titanfall 2 on the Xbox One recently, I noticed that all of the soldiers on the screen were holding their guns left-handed. This prompted me to search the internet for the image that I had seen to share with other gamers my observation.

How Video Games Helped Me To Better Appreciate Military Service
Many years ago, my friend Ray (30 years my senior) and I were at a social gathering. Ray heard me make a statement about the latest war game, Call of Duty 2, a first-person game based on World War II. Ray heard me say, embarrassingly, that playing the game “felt like I was in the war”. This was an unfortunate statement for me to make. I was foolish to say that playing a war game, even a simulation, could somehow equate to the experience of being in armed conflict. My comment was even more regrettable because Ray has brothers-in-arms who served in the Vietnam War.
I apologized to Ray and all who were in attendance at the time of my foot-in-mouth experience. But in light of Veteran’s Day,I wanted to clarify my viewpoint. After all, I actually meant well. 🙂 Continue reading

Hain Carrot Chips: Delicious and Discontinued (A Tribute)
Do you remember Hain Carrot Chips? I do. I remember going to the Bagel Bakery in Pacific Grove, CA with my mom and ordering a toasted garlic bagel with cream cheese, a Martinelli’s apple juice, and a bag of Hain Carrot Chips. We just called them carrot chips, but now I have to specify “Hain”, because the world now thinks “carrot chips” are slices of carrots that have been baked.
Let me set the record straight, this post is not about carrot slivers, carrot slices, carrot sticks, or raw carrots. We’re talking about the best snack chip ever made! Chips made from stone ground corn, carrot juice, whole wheat, and little bits of real carrot peppered throughout. Salted, slightly sweet chips that you could get, almost exclusively, at “health food stores”. Continue reading