Category Archives: My Thoughts

My first sermon titled, “Self-esteem Vs. God-esteem”

Self-esteem vs God-esteem

I was a bit nervous before hand, but had a great time encouraging the congregation at Harbor Chapel. The central message is “God loves _____” with your name in the blank. This sermon teaches that we should not measure ourselves by what others think of us. Our self-esteem can be low because of some petty thing that we think we have failed at. God’s love for us shows us our “actual” self-worth.

The message was recorded at a terrible quality and I did what I could to clean it up, but it still has a nasty hum. If you’d like to hear it, here it is. Download link below.

(Right-click and select save)
Sermon – Self-esteem vs. God-esteem

This USB computer keyboard is probably not worth the asking price

Expensive keyboard

We’ve seen overpriced items appear on Amazon before. But this is some amazing over-pricing right here.

It is backlit, but I doubt that justifies the $75,509.03 price tag.

Amazon customer Gamerman claims in his 1-star review that he’d “rather eat poop than buy a keyboard for 76k”. Fortunately, we don’t have to decide between these two foul options.

I think I’ll instead go with the no-poo platter and this keyboard here.

Cursed dashed, broken lines in AutoCAD 2016. Be gone!

I am known for having unique technical problems. When I call tech support for various services and software, it’s rarely anything that the manual covers. I am blessed with the ability to discover bugs and “unintended features”.

At work this week, I upgraded a years-old-laptop to a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 with an i7 processor. I don’t do a lot of CAD work, but I do work on controls drawings for our MACS Coolers periodically. Because of this occasional need, I picked up a higher-end Surface Pro 4, if not for the AutoCAD work, an i5 would have been plenty.

Since I was overly curious about the new AutoCAD and installed our company’s latest version, AutoCAD 2016, and I was on a Surface Pro 4 running Windows 10, the newness of it all was doomed to end poorly.

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