Whoops! Xbox Music is selling my Single for $10

$9.99, are you outta your mind?

$9.99, are you outta your mind?

I have had a pretty bad time with RouteNote and Xbox Music so far.  This latest issue is at least amusing.  My albums, which are actually just singles, are selling for $9.99 on Xbox Music.  I did not set the price as such, so this appears to be a glitch on the part of RouteNote’s submission to Xbox Music.  I hope to sort it out ASAP.


  1. No, this is a problem with Xbox Music. DAGames uses DistroKid for distribution, and singles from them tend to be $9.99.

    1. I feel like this due to the submission process, as there are singles available for .99 or 1.29, but Groove Music (formerly Xbox Music) is probably making it more difficult for indie artists, for some reason. I do find it amusing (coincidental) that you cited DAGames, and I myself submit video game related songs and have this issue.

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