My latest song, Sailing on the Sunset, is available now

Sailing on the Sunset Album Art

Album art for Sailing on the Sunset. Original photo by Michele Littlejohn-Luccketta

I am pleased to be able to share another song with you.  This one is called Sailing on the Sunset.  I wrote this song a few years ago, but only recently have I felt that I had the production skill to mix, master, and release this song in an official capacity.  This song is now available on iTunes and Amazon.

When I set out to write Sailing on the Sunset, I had a very clear image in my mind of a sailboat sitting on the ocean.  I am West Coast, born and raised, so the sunset on the water was a familiar bit of imagery.  In writing the song, I made it a point to match sounds to what I could see in my head, and so you get various fades, stutters and glitches.  These represent the clarity or brokenness of the reflection of the sunset on the water’s surface.  At the end of the song, I set out to simulate dropping a big rock onto the surface, breaking up the reflection into little bits.  Trying to convey all of this in audio form was a fun challenge and you may not even be able to put that sort of visual to the song, but I hope you enjoy the song anyway.

Special thanks to my friend Michele for supplying the amazing photo of a sunset on the ocean.  The image was such a great fit for what was in my head, and I am proud to collaborate on a project with her again.

listen to Sailing on the Sunset on SoundCloud:

And my friend Moses made a music video for the song.

SAILING ON THE SUNSET Music video from movies by moses on Vimeo.


Original photo by Michele Littlejohn-Luccketta

You can view more of her beautiful photography at her websites:

I followed you back on Twitter, and this is the thanks I get?

huh WHAT

I get self-promotion, really, I do.  I do it myself.  You have to put yourself out there to find your niche and to make fans and friends.  What I don’t get is annoying your potential fans/friends, first thing, right out the gate.

My biggest peeve at the moment is probably this:

I am on Twitter.  There is this method that some on the social network employ.  Namely, they follow you in hopes of a follow back.  Cool, you scratched my back, I’ll scratch yours.  I mean, I know they aren’t actually going to ever download my song Don’t Poop In Your Pants.  But maybe their +1 gives a little boost to my image and others will think I am important enough to follow if my number is “big enough”.

So I follow them back, thinking that our transacted business is complete.  And then I get the DM, yes the Direct Message that boldly presents the sender’s song, or service, or website, as if it’s something that I was searching for.  Like it’s the answer to a question burning in my heart.

Really?  To me, this falls somewhere in between “Why, the nerve!” and “How dare you?!”

And sometimes it’s not just a quick Copy and Pasted message inviting me to “check out this cool” whateveritis, sometimes this message assumes that I am so genuinely interested in the sender’s cause that I want to champion it.  I’m sorry, I am not going to “tweet (my) favorite youtube video” of yours.  If I like an artist and their work, I will share it and you won’t have to ask me.  But if you come messaging me, commanding me to be your street team, you’ve got the wrong idea.  I have my own wares to peddle.  I can’t imagine approaching strangers and asking them to share my stuff.  If you like it, you’ll share it, right?