12 bar blues Jam Track in C with a Dirty sound.
A Minor Psychadelic Blues Rock – Lead Guitar Jam Track
Note: This track is available on my album Guitar Jam Tracks from The Tool Shed.
A little Funk, a little Blues, a little Rock and Roll, this Jam track is two chords (Am & Dm) and 5 minutes. It’s up to you to keep it fresh. Channel your inner chile and Jam on.
For a little flavor, try switching pickups part way through.
A Minor Psychadelic Funk Blues – Bass Jam Track
The Guitar strums and scratches between an Am and Dm, but this is no Root Note Bass song. This track begs for some walking bass, some slapping bass, and some poppin bass.
Psychadelic Funk Blues – Drums Jam Track
1/16th notes on the Hats. Alternating Open and Closed. This track is great for locking in the groove with the Bassist. Running at a moderate clip at 120 BPM..
G Phrygian Mode Rock – Lead Jam Track
Note: This track is available on my album Guitar Jam Tracks from The Tool Shed.
G Phrygian (3rd mode of D#/Eb). Rock Jam Track for Lead Instruments/Guitar.