Do you remember Hain Carrot Chips? I do. I remember going to the Bagel Bakery in Pacific Grove, CA with my mom and ordering a toasted garlic bagel with cream cheese, a Martinelli’s apple juice, and a bag of Hain Carrot Chips. We just called them carrot chips, but now I have to specify “Hain”, because the world now thinks “carrot chips” are slices of carrots that have been baked.
Let me set the record straight, this post is not about carrot slivers, carrot slices, carrot sticks, or raw carrots. We’re talking about the best snack chip ever made! Chips made from stone ground corn, carrot juice, whole wheat, and little bits of real carrot peppered throughout. Salted, slightly sweet chips that you could get, almost exclusively, at “health food stores”. Continue reading