I have been a “Microsoft phone” supporter for nearly 10 years. From Windows Mobile, to Windows Phone 7 in 2010. To the betrayal that was Windows Phone 8, forcing all Windows 7 users to upgrade to new hardware (and the new OS). All the way through Windows 10 mobile and to it’s ultimate discontinuation, I was faithful and believed in the movement. Loyal to the end, and beyond, I have now chosen my next mobile platform, and I’ve sided with Apple. Continue reading
Category Archives: My Thoughts
Unskippable previews before disc-based movies should be a crime
Previews before movies at the cinema are a good thing. They give you a little buffer room if you are late for show time.
Previews before a Blu-ray or DVD movie are a bad thing. At the very least, they require you to spend some of your time mashing the “Next Chapter” button.
But previews before a Blu-ray are at their worst when they are unskippable. Continue reading
I made a handy graphic explaining the basic refrigeration cycle
I’m currently enrolled in a course to learn more about refrigeration systems. I program the MACS Cooler, which is a sophisticated, automatic produce cooler. During our last class, one of the instructors drew a block diagram of the basic refrigeration system (like what runs a refrigerator) on the white board.
I furiously copied the diagram in my notes on my tablet with OneNote. I added color where I thought it helped. Later, I used Inkscape to recreate the diagram as a digital graphic. And here it is. Continue reading

How to Support the Musician in Your Life
Likely everyone knows someone who is a musician or artist. They could be a family member or friend. Maybe they are on the worship team at church. Regardless of relationship, you probably know someone who is a musician, either solo or in a band. If you are a musician, you most definitely know a musician or two.
What I hope to accomplish by this writing is to share one musician’s emotions and thoughts, and show how you can support and encourage the musicians in your life. I may lay bare my own life a bit, but hopefully it’ll be for the benefit of many. These concepts apply to artists (writers, actors, painters) in all areas, but I will be writing about musicians specifically.

The Most Extreme Bass in a Country Song
I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of what Country Music has become. The genre now known as “Modern Country” is full of fake accents, fake tans, and crappy lyrics; and the guitars in modern country have become less and less distinguishable from pure rock guitars.
I am a fan, however, of the Bass Guitar. In searching the internet for the popular opinion of “country songs with the best bass”, I have failed to find anyone who shares my opinion. So I will give it here and now.